JPS Gallery Hong Kong presents Moon Lands On Man, our first show in celebration of the gallery’s 10th anniversary. The show will kick off with a fully immersive large-scale cardboard installation straight out of every child’s fantasy, but hidden within this fantastical dreamland is an unseen world riddled with moon landing conspiracy theories.
Whether the Apollo 11 mission was an elaborate hoax has been a long-standing debate, with many conspiracy theorists claiming that the U.S. government faked the moon landing for different motives. Although the arguments presented by the conspiracy theorists have been discredited and debunked by scientific facts, many people continue to believe that the moon landing was faked. For this exhibition, Moon Lands On Man, American artist Barminski will put a humorous and pessimistic twist on this highly controversial and polarising topic.
Barminski described his cardboard artworks as simultaneously real and fake as it depends on the viewer’s expectation. If they expect it to be a real Star Wars toy, then it’s fake. If they expect it to be a piece of art, then it’s real. A toy utopia lives within everyone’s heart, but societal issues that warrant their attention and insight continue to exist, so Barminski’s dark yet humorous take on these topics encourages everyone to discover the truth behind authenticity and falsehood.
Barminski (b.1962) is an extraordinarily prolific and influential multimedia artist working across painting, interactive media, and graphic design. He is most known for his paper sculptures of everyday objects, recreating mundane objects such as shoes, spray cans and furniture in three-dimensional drawing-like sculptures.
Opening Reception: Thursday, 27 July 2023, 5 – 8 pm (Artist will be present)
Exhibition Dates: 28 July – 17 September, 2023
Venue: JPS Gallery (Hong Kong)