Crème brûlée may seem difficult to make at home (maybe because of the French name!), but it really is not. Check out our recipe (with gas torch) and see for yourself.
The whipping cream is an optional ingredient. It makes the cream a little bit less firm and more smooth (we like it better that way, but it is up to you to decide whether you add it or not!).
Ingredients for 4/6 servings
- 2 tablespoons sugar, plus extra for the caramel topping
- 4 eggs yolks
- 60g flour
- 500 ml milk
- 1 lemon peel
- Amaretto di Saranno liquor
- [Optional: 250 ml fresh whipping cream]
- Oven
- 4/6 ramekins
- Wire whisk

Pour the sugar in a medium bowl.
Add the egg yolks and stir with a wire whisk.
Add the milk and stir again until soft and creamy.
Add the flour and stir till absorbed.
Wash and peel the lemon (try to keep it in one piece so that it will be easier to remove the peel from the cream once it is ready).
Pour the cream in a saucepan, bring to boiling point over lower heat (au bain marie is even better), then simmer for 30 seconds. Take it off the heat.
Remove the lemon peel.

[Whip the fresh cream, add to the cream in the saucepan.]
Add the liquor and stir well.
Preheat the oven (200C).
Put the rameskins on a wire rack and pour the cream into the ramekins.
Sprinkle sugar over the cream in each ramekin.
Put the wire rack with the ramekins in the oven (in the middle or slightly higher) and bake for 10 to 15 minutes. Take out when golden brown and bubbling.
Take the wire rack out and let cool for a couple of minutes. Then put in the fridge to cool completely (it is traditional for crème brûlée to be served cold). However, also served lukewarm the cream is delicious.